
How To
Cyclamen are a favourite plant to bring brightness and life during the cooler months. They are generally available from autumn to early spring and will flower beautifully while temperatures remain cool. Flowers come in shades of pink, purple, red, and white with many frilled and bicolour forms. There are varieties with large flowers, medium sized blooms and, varieties with masses of small...
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Originating from China, the earliest modern rose was the tea rose. With centuries of breeding, modern roses are long flowering with it possible to achieve continuous flowering from spring to autumn. There are single, semi double and double flowered forms in every colour imaginable and most with a beautiful fragrance. How to Care Roses are...
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Welcome to March and the beginning of Autumn! It’s nature’s time for planting. As the soaking Autumn rains begin, the warmth of the baking summer sun is retained in the soil, thanks to the natural mulch created by the falling Autumn leaves. Milder temperatures and more reliable rainfall makes Autumn gardening an absolute joy. Garden...
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Growing food at home is very popular and whatever form your garden may take, herbs are easy to grow and very rewarding. Fresh or dried, herbs add zest to cooking, perfume the house and have natural medicinal and cosmetic benefits. Craft making with herbs has wide appeal. Create pot pourri, tussie mussies and infused vinegars...
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October is a busy month in the vegetable garden. Good preparation done in August and September will now begin to reward you. October is an important month for sowing or planting vegetables including Asian greens, beans, beetroot, capsicum, carrot, celery, cress, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, onions, pumpkin, squash, radish, silverbeet, potato, sweet potato, rocket, tomato, zucchini,...
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As the days begin to lengthen and the temperatures begin to lift, we discover the changes of spring happening all around us. Trees that were bare branches are coming to life. The dullness of winter is being replaced with renewed life, fresh growth and brilliant colours. Life in the garden is very exciting as spring...
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We are now in the final month of Winter. August is a fabulous month as the signs of spring begin to come to life before us. The landscape begins to glow with the gold of wattles in flower. Spring flowering bulbs are pushing their way through the cool winter soil and the trees that have...
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Winter is a great time to prune most deciduous fruit trees, berries, fruiting bushes and vines. Although winter is pruning time, avoid pruning cherries, apricots and kiwi fruit vines until the warmer weather. All three of these popular edibles tend to bleed if pruned through winter, increasing the risk of disease. Apricots and cherries may...
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The shortest day has now passed. As each day gets a little longer, the promise of spring approaches. Deciduous plants are bare and are storing energy for the abundance of the season ahead. July is an important month of pruning in the garden. Pruning will not only shape your plants but see plants come back...
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Winter has arrived and gardens are transformed with the change of season. Deciduous Trees June is the month when deciduous plants shed their leaves and move into a dormant period in preparation for an explosion of growth and colour as the spring arrives.  Growing to Eat This is an excellent month for gardening in our...
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